Selling or buying a car?
You need a VIA roadworthy!

Motorcycle Scooter

Car Van Ute SUV


Inspections are all we do, no repairs!

Because VIA only inspects your vehicle, you can be confident no “extra” repairs will be required.

VIA specialises in roadworthy inspections. Our roadworthy inspection facility is designed for efficiency, so no long waits or delays.

Up to 14 days for repairs

Unlike traditional workshops that charge another full roadworthy re-inspection fee after 14 days, If a fault is found during inspection, we give you 14 days to fix the item and have the vehicle re-inspected.

Within 14 daysFREEWe check that the defects found in the intial insepction have been fixed.

Roadworthy Certificates

In Victoria a Roadworthy Certificate is generally required when a vehicle is sold or if a used vehicle is to be re-registered. This helps minimise the number of poorly maintained vehicles on the road. For more information please visit the VicRoads website or visit our FAQ section.

Convenience, simplicity and transparency

Express inspections usually only take up to 90 minutes, so sit back and relax in our customer lounge.

VIA staff members are trained and experienced vehicle experts. The inspection process will be fully transparent, and any faults found will be thoroughly explained in plain language with reference to relevant VicRoads regulations.